
You need the right gown and hood before the time of assembly. 

If you forget to rent a gown, you can rent one on site 1.5 hours prior to your ceremony at Merlis Belsher Place onsite, the day of your ceremony.  We encourage graduands to pick up their gowns early on the day of their ceremony to avoid long lines.


All hoods and gowns must be returned the same day as your ceremony. Regalia returned late will be subject to a fee equivalent to the purchase price. 

Gown Pickup and Onsite Rentals

Pickup Dates Time Place
TBD TBD Merlis Belsher Place 


Graduands who attend the Convocation ceremony are required to wear regalia. We ask that graduands do not alter the academic regalia (gown or hood) as it represents your academic achievement

  • First Nation, Metis and Inuit graduands are invited to wear their traditional regalia over academic regalia or in place of it.
  • Graduands in the Canadian Armed Forces, police, fire or emergency services may wear their uniform without an acandemic gown. A hood (if applicable) is still required to be worn on the uniform or carried over an arm. 

All graduands must obtain a hood, with the exception of students graduating with a certificate. The hood must be for the credential you are receiving on the day of that ceremony, not for a degree you may already hold. Be sure to obtain a gown and hood prior to the time of assembly. Gowns and hoods are available on a non-refundable rental basis. If you have questions please contact convocation@usask.ca

  • Boutonnieres and corsages may not be worn on the academic dress.
  • Flowers are not suitable for the academic dress or the ceremony and should be held in reserve for celebrations after the ceremony.
  • It is recommended that no money or valuables be brought to the assembly area.
  • Purses, bags, etc. are not to be carried during the ceremony. 
Undergraduate Gown
Master's Gown
Doctor of Philosophy and Professional Doctorates
Doctor of Philosophy
On Site $50.00 plus tax
On Site $50.00 plus tax
Doctor of Philosophy and Professional Doctorates
On Site $75.00 plus tax


Specific Degrees and Colours

Degree Colour
Agriculture and Bioresources (Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness) turquoise band of trim
Agriculture and Bioresources (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)

light blue band of trim

Agriculture and Bioresources (Bachelor of Science in Animal Bioscience)

smoke outside band of trim and white inside band of trim

Agriculture and Bioresources (Bachelor of Science in Food Industry Management) turqiose outside band of trim and white inside band of trim
Agriculture and Bioresources (Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutrition) light blue outside band of trim and green inside band of trim
Advanced Certificates current degree colours worn on shoulders
Arts (Bachelor of Arts) white satin band of trim
Arts and Science (Bachelor of Arts and Science) teal blue outside band of trim and white satin inside band of trim
Biomedical Science (Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)) pale yellow band of trim
Commerce (Bachelor of Commerce) maroon outside band of trim and silver inside band of trim
Dentistry (Doctor of Dental Medicine) mauve lined hood and band of trim
Dentistry (Bachelor of Science in Dental Therapy) mauve band of trim
Education (Bachelor of Education) violet band of trim
Engineering (Bachelor of Science in Engineering) dark red band of trim
Fine Arts (Bachelor of Fine Arts) pink outside band of trim and white inside band of trim
Kinesiology (Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology) gold lined hood with green band of trim
Law (Juris Doctor) gold band of trim
Medicine (Doctor of Medicine) forest green lined hood and band of trim
Music (Bachelor of Music)

red band of trim

Nursing (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) gold lined hood and red band of trim
Nutrition (Bachelor of Science in Nutrition) green lined hood and band of trim
Pharmacy (Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy)

gold outside band of trim and purple inside band of trim

Pharmacy (Doctor of Pharmacy)

gold lined hood and purple band of trim

Renewable Resource Management (Bachelor of Science in Renewable Resource Management) singapoore blue outside band of trim and blue inside band of trim.
Science (Bachelor of Science) teal blue band of trim
Veterinary Medicine (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) gold lined hood and deep blue band of trim
Master of Agriculture light blue lined hood and band of trim
Master of Arts white lined hood and band of trim
Master of Business Administration burgundy lined hood and band of trim
Master of Indigenous Land-Based Education violet lined hood and yellow band of trim
Master of Education violet lined hood and band of trim
Master of Engineering maroon lined hood and band of trim
Master of Fine Arts pink lined hood and band of trim
Master of International Trade Silver outside band of trim and maroon inside band of trim and lining
Master of Kinesiology gold lined hood and green band of trim
Master of Laws gold lined hood and band of trim
Master of Music red lined hood and band of trim
Master of Northern Governance and Development ivory outside band of trim and emerald green inside band of trim and lining
Master of Nursing red lined hood and band of trim
Master of Physical Therapy Crimson outside band of trim and old gold inside band of trim and lining
Master of Professional Accounting grey lined hood and band of trim
Master of Public Administration Royal blue outside band of trim and silver inside band of trim and lining
Master of Public Health brown seal lined hood and band of trim
Master of Public Policy silver metallic satin inside band of trim and sky blue satin outside band of trim
Master of Science teal blue lined hood and band of trim
Master of Environment and Sustainability Forest green outside band of trim and Antique Ivory inside band of trim
Master of Sustainable Environmental Management Pale green outside band of trim and forest green inside band of trim
Master of Veterinary Medicine deep blue lined hood and band of trim
Post Graduate Diploma current degree colours worn on shoulders
Doctor of Philosophy and Professional Doctorates black with green silk lining and brite gold trim
Earned D.Sc. and D.Litt. black with green silk lining and white trim
LL.D. black with brite gold lining and white trim

* Doctors of Philosophy and Professional Doctorates shall be entitled to wear for full dress, a robe of black cloth, faced with green velvet down the front edges and on the sleeves.