Career Services services update

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Career planning

Career Coaching is a great place to start for all your career and employment questions. Meet with a career coach to:

  • Identify your goals and plan your next steps
  • Discuss your career assessment results
  • Explore your career options
  • Make a career-related decision
  • Build and review your job search documents: Resumes, Cover Letters, and CVs
  • Better understand strategies for approaching the job search
  • Learn how to be more effective at finding and applying for jobs
  • Prepare and practice for interviews
  • Answer general employment or career related questions

Career Coaching is available free of charge to all newly admitted and current students, and alumni of USask.

Please note, if you are looking for information about academic program requirements or help in choosing your classes, you will want to access Academic Advising

Career Educator profiles

Our Career Educators come from different backgrounds and experiences, which have developed their own unique approach to coaching and career development. Find out which educator fits you best so you can make the most of your career coaching sessions!


Who Roberta supports: Students and alumni who are seeking not just a safe space, but a brave space, to explore a deeper sense of self-awareness connected to career exploration and next steps.

How Roberta coaches: My motto is, “come as you are and know that is enough.” My coaching style is collaborative, intuitive, and solution-focused. Everyone has a unique story which comes with inner knowledge that I will support you tapping into and leveraging by asking constructive and introspective questions.

Roberta’s background: Roberta holds a B.Ed. from the University of Winnipeg in addition to being a Certified Coach through the Destination Leadership Program at the U of S Edwards School of Business.


Who Tyler supports: Current students and USask alumni wanting to take the next step in their career journey.

How Tyler coaches: Tyler believes that we have more potential than we often realize. Tyler guides students/alumni through a self-reflective approach to coaching, focusing on your values, interests, strengths, and personality in order to gain insight and set goals for your career journey.

Tyler’s background: Tyler holds a Bachelor of Education from USask in 2013, achieved an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) designation through the International Coaching Federation in 2021, and completed a Post-Degree Certificate in Career and Guidance Studies at USask in 2022.


Short on time? Quick question? Not sure where to start?

Drop-in appointments are offered at Career Services as well as occasionally at other campus locations. These appointments cannot be pre-booked and will only open on the day offered. They are designed to support a quick review or to answer basic questions related to resume, interviewing, LinkedIn and job search in 15 mins or less. If you are short on time and do not need a full appointment this is the session for you!

Additionally, Drop-in may not be able to accommodate all career-related questions and in that case, you will be asked to book a regular appointment in CareerLink with one of our Career Educators.

View the Drop-in schedule in CareerLink-Appointments

Book an appointment

Book a 45 minute appointment to meet one-on-one with a Career Educator in a private setting for a confidential and more in-depth discussion about your career and employment needs. Career Coaching appointments are offered in-person, by phone, or through Zoom.

If you cannot find an appointment time that works with your schedule, please email to inquire about booking.

Respecting Student Privacy: Parents of USask students

We understand that parents are often eager to support their child's educational journey. However, it's important to note that privacy laws, specifically the Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP) in Saskatchewan, protect the privacy rights of USask students. We kindly request that parents do not attend their child's Career Services appointments without the student's consent.LA FOIP safeguards your child's personal information and privacy. As such, universities are generally not permitted to disclose personal information about a student to parents without the student's consent, no matter their age. Exceptions: LA FOIP allows disclosure without consent when there are genuine concerns for the student's safety or well-being.

We encourage open and supportive communication between parents and students. If you're interested in your child's career coaching progress, we recommend discussing it with them and respecting their privacy choices. This empowers students to make decisions about their educational and career paths while ensuring that their privacy rights are upheld.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in respecting your child's privacy during their university journey.

Appointment types

Having a career plan is more than just knowing the possible jobs that are available to you after graduation. It is a process of self-reflection, exploration, and skill development that when combined together, will help you towards achieving success in your future career.

Career Educators are available to assist you at all stages of this journey and help you navigate the steps towards a successful career. Through self-assessments, career exploration, and goal setting, we can help you identify personal strengths, as well as areas of growth, and work with you to develop strategies that allow you to become a well-rounded professional and achieve future career success.

Your job search documents are the documents you’ve put together to submit as part of your application to a job posting. Most commonly, employers will ask you to submit a cover letter, along with either a resume or a curriculum vitae. These documents are your usually the first impression you make on an employer and therefore it important to make sure you’ve highlighted your skills, experiences, and relevant knowledge properly in order to show the employer that you are a qualified candidate.

Our Career Educators are here to help you build, design, and polish your documents so they accurately reflect you and what you bring to the table as a potential employee. In our one-on-one appointments we’ll focus on the formatting, structure, content, and help you showcase the skills that set you apart from the rest.

The interview process can be nerve-wracking and stressful no matter how experienced you are or what level of job you’re interviewing for. Having a effective preparation strategy can be great way to help manage your stress and make sure you’re as ready as you can be for the formal interview.

With a focus on virtual and in-person professional interviews, our Career Educators are here to meet with you to discuss a variety of preparation strategies, run through practice questions in a mock interview, and answer any additional questions you may have about the interview process.

Major Maps

Learn how to get the most out of your degree and prepare for your future career with USask Major Maps.

Navigate your USask experience by planning your academic route, discovering opportunities to develop skills, learning ways to gain relevant experience, identifying possibilities to create connections, and exploring career paths unique to your major.

Take a Career Assessment

Learning more about your personality, interests, strengths and career values will help you make better decisions about your career goals, help you evaluate opportunities, and better appreciate your USask Competencies.

Career assessments are not designed to provide a definitive list of job or career options for you to pursue. Instead, they are meant to generate possibilities, enhance your self-awareness and compliment the career coaching process. 

"Such an eye opener. A valuable tool in helping me reach my potential." - Alumnus

CliftonStrengths helps you identify and better understand the things you naturally do best, and gives you clues as to the type of work environments and roles in which you are most likely to thrive.

Click here to learn how to leverage your CliftonStrengths results to create success in both your academics and your career!

Our values represent what is important to us, the beliefs we have, and our priorities in life. Values influence our behavior and direct the choices we make; they play an important role in guiding our career path and decisions. 

Why Should I Think About My Career Values?

 Taking time to reflect on your Career Values can:

  • Spark new ideas for career possibilities or/or affirm your current career path.
  • Inform what kind of work tasks and environments you may find fulfilling.
  • Lead to an overall sense of enjoyment with your work.
  • Solidify your version of a healthy, comfortable work-life balance.

Complete the Career Values Worksheet and meet with a Career Educator to discuss your completed worksheet in relation to your career development and goals.


Thousands are out there but we think these are the best - they're easy to access and free!





"I went from being totally frazzled about my
future to feeling secure and confident"

"I really appreciate the help I received during my first appointment, it gave me some peace of mind and I will definitely be returning!"

Explore your options

Your career development is ongoing not just a one time decision. Take the time to explore your options and learn about industries and the job market before you graduate, and take advantage of the opportunities available while you're in university!

Research Occupations and Industries

Gain insight into the options, industries and/or directions you’re considering, and potentially open up new ones

Develop Skills and Gain Experience

Try out options, further refine your interests, and develop your USask Competencies through a range of experiences.

Build Connections

Seek opportunities to connect and build relationships with a variety of people

Find Programs

Explore program options at USask and beyond

Getting help

The Career Services team is here to assist you with all aspects of your career and job search.

Career Services offers:

Upcoming events
