Tax Receipts
2024 tax slips are available through PAWS.
Get your tax receipts
The university issues tax slips for tuition, scholarships and other employment income as required by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). T2202 and T4A tax slips are available through the Tuition and Fees channel in PAWS under My tax slips. You may also have a T4A available through the Pay and Time Reporting channel in PAWS.
If you don't have access to a printer or know someone who is having trouble getting this information online, a printed copy can be requested from Student Finance through the Student Finance Inquiry Form.
T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificate
This form is used to certify a student's eligibility for or restrictions to certain tax incentives. Students also use the form to show transfers of tuition and education amounts to a designated person.Please refer to page 2 of the T2202 for more information and contact your tax advisor or the CRA for questions related to claims using this form.
Receiving a T2202 from USask does not guarantee you are eligible for any federal or provincial tax incentive. Visit the CRA website for more information about what cannot be claimed as tuition fees.
If you viewed your printable T2202 tax form a second time it may have a "Duplicate" notation but it still valid and can be used for your tax return.
The student registration system does not always calculate the number of months correctly. University staff manually correct these forms resulting in an "Amended" status. Even though the tax form has a notation of "Amended", it is still a valid tax receipt. If you filed your tax return based on the original T2202, you may need to file an amended tax return.
There are several reasons why Eligible Tuition Fees in Box A of your T2202 tax form does not equal the amount of tuition and fees you were assessed:
- Not all student fees are eligible for a tax credit. Student union fees and health and dental fees are examples of fees that do not qualify under CRA regulations.
- The amount reported is the lower of the eligible assessed amounts and the amount that you have paid. If you have not paid all of your assessed tuition and fees, the eligible amount will show the lower amount.
Financial appeal outcomes and/or payments made in the current year for tuition and fees related to prior tax years may affect your tax information
Your financial appeal and payments of past-due balances may result in changes to your T2202 from a previous tax year(s). You should contact Student Finance through the Student Finance Inquiry Form to obtain your revised T2202(s). It is your responsibility to notify the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) of any changes to your tax information. For more information, consult your tax advisor or the CRA for details on how to change your return.
Application fees are not included in the amount showing on your T2202 as they are usually paid before your student number is assigned and your student account established. As application fees are eligible for a tax credit, you will need to hold on to the receipt or proof of payment which was provided when you paid the fee if you wish to claim the fee.
Students with a Disability
The T2202 reports the actual part-time or full-time enrolment status for all students, including those students with a disability. If you are eligible for the disability tax credit or had, in the year, a mental or physical impairment and a doctor has certified that you cannot reasonably be expected to be enrolled as a full-time student because of the effects of this impairment you would note this on schedule 11 of your T1 tax return. This informs CRA that you may be considered full-time for other provisions within the Income Tax Act and various provincial and territorial programs.
Public Transit Tax Receipt
If you've been assessed the U-Pass transit fee, you'll be eligible for the transit pass tax credit for transit fees paid for the period January 1 to June 30, 2017. Your Account Summary in the Tuition and Fees channel in PAWS can be used to support your public transit pass tax credit.
The printout of your Fee Assessment which shows your Name, Student Number and the Transit Fee assessment should not be submitted with your tax return but kept as proof of purchase in case you are audited by CRA. Note: the transit pass tax credit has been eliminated for fees paid after June 30, 2017.
T4A scholarship tax slip
The University issues T4A slips to students who received University of Saskatchewan scholarships, bursaries, prizes, grants or fellowships.
T4A Scholarship Tax Forms are available online through the Tuition and Fees channel in PAWS under Get My Tax Receipts or the Pay and Time Reporting channel in PAWS under Tax Information.
Effective for the 2020 tax year, the paper T4A will only be mailed to you if you request one through the Student Finance Inquiry Form (for T4As within the Tuition and Fees channel in PAWS) or (for T4As within the Pay and Time Reporting channel in PAWS).
Most scholarships, fellowships or bursaries that are received by you as a qualifying full-time student are not taxable and do not have to be reported as income on your tax return. If you are a part-time qualifying student, your scholarship exemption is limited to the sum of the cost of materials related to the program (e.g. books, lab coats, brushes, paints) plus the tuition and other fees paid in respect of the program. If you are not eligible for the exemption, the part of the post-secondary scholarships, fellowships or bursaries that is more than $500 must be reported on your tax return. Further information on the taxation of scholarships, fellowships and bursaries is available on the CRA website.
Graduate retention program
Under the Government of Saskatchewan's Graduate Retention Program (GRP) graduates may be eligible for a rebate up to $20,000 of tuition fees you pay. To make this claim, you require a graduate retention program certificate to be submitted with the amount of tuition paid when filing your Saskatchewan income tax. As well, you would complete CRA's form RC360.
Students who have applied to graduate from an undergraduate program that is eligible for the GRP will receive an email to your PAWS email in late March for Spring Graduation or late August for Fall Graduation where you can indicate your consent for USask to apply for the GRP on your behalf. Graduates can contact Student Central to confirm whether USask has applied on their behalf.
According to the Saskatchewan Graduation Retention Program office, if a T2202 is issued in your name and you graduated from an eligible program, you qualify for the GRP—even if someone else paid your tuition (i.e. an employer or band funding).
Canada income tax
Income tax is administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The Canadian income tax year is January 1 – December 31 of every year. You are responsible to determine your tax payable for each taxation year and file an income tax return. If you owe taxes you have to pay it by April 30th for the preceding year. The deadline for filing personal tax is April 30th each year. If you are unable to pay a balance owing, contact CRA to arrange a payment plan.
When you need to file a return
There are several situations where you may be required to file a tax return. Below are a few examples, if you:
- owe income tax to the government;
- expect an income tax refund from the government;
- are applying for the GST credit (which provides cash payments to low- and middle-income taxpayers, to help offset the costs of paying GST on taxable purchases);
- are eligible to receive the Canada child benefit (for low- and middle-income taxpayers with children); or
- are asked by the CRA to file a return.
International students
Since the Canadian tax system is based on residency, not citizenship, international students may have to or want to "file a return" (submit an income tax form to the government).
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requires you to have a Social Insurance Number (SIN) or Individual Tax Number for identity for income tax purposes. If you are eligible and would like to apply for a SIN number, please visit the Service Canada website for more information. If you are ineligible to get a SIN, you may need to apply for an Individual Tax Number using form Application for a CRA Individual Tax Number for Non-Residents. The earlier you do this the better as it will save you time when completing a tax return. Once you have your Individual Tax Number, you may be eligible for your GST credit.
Tax Credits
The University cannot provide tax advice. Each student must determine if they are eligible for these tax credits based on their own circumstances. To find out more about credits and your eligibility, you should consult a tax professional or the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
GST Credit
A 5% goods and services tax (GST) is levied on most items and services for sale in Canada; and 6% provincial sales tax (PST) in Saskatchewan. A GST credit is available to help lower income families handle the cost of paying the sales tax. There is also a credit calculated for the PST with the GST credit.
International Students - If you are considered a resident in Canada for tax purposes you may be eligible to receive this credit when you arrive in Canada and each year you are a resident. You may be eligible to apply
Canadian Child Tax Benefit
The Canada Child Tax Benefit is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under age 18. A temporary resident who has lived in Canada for the previous 18 months, and who has a valid permit in the 19th month may be eligible to apply. Eligibility information and applications can be found on Canada Revenue’s site.
Submit your Social Insurance Number or Individual Tax Number
If you have a Social Insurance Number (SIN) or an Individual Tax Number (ITN), we are legally required to include it on your T2202—Tuition and Enrolment Certificate tax form. We provide this certificate to students through PAWS and to the Canada Revenue Agency.
International students
All international students with a valid study permit may choose to or be required to apply for a SIN if they plan to work in Canada, submit a tax return, or receive certain federal/provincial government benefits and services. If you are a temporary resident, but do not have a valid study permit, you may be qualified to apply for a SIN.
For more information about applying for a SIN, contact the International Student and Study Abroad Centre or visit Service Canada online or in person at the Service Canada in Saskatoon.
To save your SIN, go to the My Profile page in PAWS, and select Edit in the Bio section.
Canadian citizens, permanent residents and temporary residents (such as study permit holders) who plan to work in Canada or receive benefits and services from government programs, may need a SIN.
International students
All international students with a valid study permit may choose to or be required to apply for a SIN if they plan to work in Canada, receive benefits and services from government programs or to submit a tax return. If you are a temporary resident, but do not have a valid study permit, you may be qualified to apply for a SIN. If you are not eligible for a SIN, you may be eligible to apply for an individual tax number by completing form T1261. For more information about applying for a SIN or an ITN, contact the International Student and Study Abroad Centre or visit Service Canada online (SIN) or CRA online (ITN) or in person at the Service Canada in Saskatoon.
If you do not remember your SIN, you can find it on your income tax return or you can request a confirmation of your SIN from Service Canada online or in person at the Service Canada in Saskatoon.
Visit the Government of Canada website to learn what to do if you have forgotten your SIN.The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requires the University of Saskatchewan to provide a completed T2202—Tuition and Enrolment Certificate tax form to each of our part-time and full-time students and new for the 2019 calendar year to send a copy to the Canada Revenue Agency.
The T2202 certificate tax form must include:
- the number of months a student is enrolled in a full-time or part-time program, and
- the student's social insurance number or the student's individual tax number.
Only the University Registrar's Office has day-to-day access to your SIN or your ITN. This access is required for tax form generation and for the Saskatchewan graduate tax retention program. Access to this information outside of the University Registrar's Office is severely restricted. For more information, contact Student Central using the Student Central inquiry form.
Visit the Government of Canada website to learn more about protecting your SIN.
Need help?
If you have a question and you're not sure who to contact, start with Student Central. They can help with questions about PAWS, finances, registration, academic life, exams, transcripts, convocation and more.