

Academic Advisors

For questions about academic programs and degree requirements.

To speak with someone: Call, email or, in some cases, book an appointment.

Access and Equity Services

Access and Equity Services (AES) is responsible for providing, along with faculty, reasonable accommodations for students who experience barriers to their education on the basis of a prohibited ground(s), including disability, religion, family status and gender identity.

As of September 2024, the AES Exam Centre is now located within the Williams Building, 3rd floor, Room 344. The accessible entrance and elevator are located at the rear entrance at the southeast corner of the building.

Admissions (undergraduate)

For questions about applying to a USask undergraduate program, to provide original documents or to inquire about the processes required to complete your application.

To speak with someone: Call, email or book an appointment.


To speak with someone: Phone, email or visit us in person.

Career Services

USask Career Services is here to assist you with all aspects of your career and job search.

To speak with someone: Call, email, join a drop-in session or book an appointment.

Colleges and schools

USask is home to 13 interdisciplinary colleges, three graduate schools and six affiliated or federated colleges.

Gordon Oakes Red Bear Student Centre

The Gordon Oakes Red Bear Student Centre is dedicated to supporting the personal, social, cultural, and academic success of Métis, First Nations and Inuit students.

To speak with someone: Drop by the centre during office hours, call or email.

International Student and Study Abroad Centre

The International Student and Study Abroad Centre (ISSAC) is a central support unit and a campus partner for all students, staff, and faculty. ISSAC is dedicated to fostering a welcoming, globally aware and inclusive campus community.

IT Support Services

IT Support Services provides all faculty, staff, researchers, and students with access to advice, help, and support so that they can access and effectively use IT services and resources.

To speak with someone: call or submit a General IT Request through the website link below.

Language Centre

The Language Centre offers English language programs for students whose first language is not English. We have a full-time English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program for those who wish to study in a degree program at USask but need to fulfill the English language proficiency requirement. We also offer a variety of General ESL courses to support degree seeking students throughout their academic studies.


To speak with someone: Phone, email or visit in person.

Peer Health

Students who are passionate about student health, want to make a difference on campus and want to address health issues that affect student well-being.

To speak with someone: Drop by the centre or email.

Protective Services

Protective Services works closely with the campus community, Saskatoon Police Service and other agencies to maintain a safe campus. We respond to emergencies and provide programs and services. Our officers patrol the campus on foot, bike and in marked patrol vehicles 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

To speak with someone: Phone, email (non-emergencies) or visit in person.


To speak with someone: Phone, email or visit in person.

Student Affairs and Outreach

A team of registered social workers who provide same-day, holistic and comprehensive support for students throughout their academic journey. Services include immediate support to students, crisis response, educational programming, and consultation with faculty, staff, community members, and students who are concerned about a student.

To speak with someone: Call or book an appointment online.

Student Central

For questions about class registration, student loans, financial appeals, understanding your tuition, academic life, and referrals to USask colleges and support units.

To speak with someone: Please call, email or book an appointment. There are no in-person drop-in options available.

Student Finance and Awards

For questions about payment options for tuition/fees, refunds, sponsorship or agency funding, scholarships and bursaries.

To speak with someone: Call or book an appointment.

Student Wellness Centre

The Student Wellness Centre offers physical and mental health care to USask students and their dependents. Chiropractic, physiotherapy and massage appointments are available to USask students, staff, and faculty.

University Library

The University Library offers a range of learning and academic help services for students, including workshops, tutoring, one-to-one appointments, and online resources. Visit one of our six library locations across campus to find a variety of study and bookable spaces, access computers, printing, and locate print library material.

To speak with someone: Email, phone, use our Ask US chat service, or submit a question.

USask Community Centre

A place for students to make connections and build community—wellness activities, peer-to-peer health education, and spiritual guidance and support.

To speak with someone: Drop by the centre.

USask Faith Leaders

The University of Saskatchewan Faith Leaders is a multi-faith group from across the religious and denominational spectrum. We serve as a spiritual wellness support resource for the USask community.

To speak with someone: Phone or email.