Preconception to Early Childhood
Resources to guide you in taking care of your newborn.
By Student Wellness CentreStudent Wellness Centre can help you with your needs and questions.
PregnancyInfo.ca, maintained by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, provides what you'll need to know from planning to get pregnant, pregnancy, and Postpartum.
Saskatchewan Health Authourity has services and programs to help support and improve your health:
- Prenatal Education and Services (Contact 306-655-4800)
- Healthy Mother Healthy Baby (Contact 306-655-4810)
- Kids First (Contact 306-655-3311)
- Food For Thought (Contact 306-655-4824)
If your pregnancy is unintended, it may be helpful to discuss other options.
Are You Thinking of Becoming Pregnant?
Your health before pregnancy is important to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy for both you and your baby. It is important to have an active lifestyle and eat a balance diet to obtain enough nutrients to support your future baby.
Get started with the Pre-pregnancy Checklist
Prepare Your Body for a Healthier Pregnancy
- Entering a pregnancy healthy can reduce problems later on for both you and your baby.
- Having a healthy weight, eating healthy, and staying active will reduce health risks for both you and your baby. Your weight before pregnancy can impact the outcome of your pregnancy, cause health concerns, and affect your baby.
- Women who can become pregnant should take a multivitamin containing 0.4 mg of folic acid. Folic acid is needed for normal growth and development of your baby, and needed to prevent neural tube defects by allowing the neural tube to close properly during the first month of your pregnancy.
Congratulations, You Are Pregnant!
Your health during pregnancy is important for the health and outcome of your baby. Eating a balanced diet using Canada’s Food Guide, taking a multivitamin, will give you the nutrients and energy you need for a healthy pregnancy.
Use this Healthy Pregnancy Guide to help you make healthy eating choices, how to stay active, learn about common pregnancy concerns, and track your baby’s progress using the 10 month calendar provided for a healthier experience for both you and your baby.
Eating fish during pregnancy provides your baby with important nutrients to help your baby grow. Some fish may be high in mercury and other contaminants which may be harmful to your baby. Learn more about how to get the benefits of fish while limiting your exposure to contaminants.
Iron needs are increased during pregnancy to support your growing baby, for normal development, and to build iron stores for your baby. Folate needs also increases during pregnancy as your baby grows rapidly. It is recommended that pregnant women take a multivitamin containing 16 to 20mg of iron and 0.4mg of folic acid.
During pregnancy, women are at higher risks of food borne illnesses. Food poisoning is damaging to your baby, and it is important to follow food safety recommendations and avoid certain foods to keep both you and your baby safe.
Breast feeding is the best source of nutrition for your baby. The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding exclusively for the first six months. Start learning about breastfeeding to prepare for your baby’s arrival.
Smoking in pregnancy causes health risks for you and your baby. Cigarette smoke is harmful to your baby and reduces the amount of oxygen and nutrients the baby receives, causing undesirable health problems. This can lead to a premature birth, low birth weight, or other complications for your baby.
Prenatal screening is a blood test available to pregnant women to determine the chances of having a baby with conditions such as neural tube defects and chromosomal abnormalities.
Ultrasounds can tell you about your baby’s growth and can check the development of your baby. All pregnant women are recommended to have ultrasounds performed during their pregnancy.
Nausea and vomiting is part of a normal pregnancy. Learn how to control this and feel better.
Gestational diabetes can be developed during pregnancy and can affect your health. Learn how to reduce your risks and the effect it can have on your pregnancy.
Is This Your First Pregnancy?
Learn more about what to expect during labour and delivery, how to prepare yourself, and tips for managing your pain.
Postpartum is 6 weeks after childbirth. Learn about how to care for yourself, how your emotions may be affected, and how to care for your newborn baby.
Your Baby’s First Year of Life!
Saskatoon Health Region has services and programs to support you along the way:
- Maternal Home Visiting Program (Contact 306-655-4860)
- Healthy and Home Program
- Postpartum Depression Support Program (Contact 306-221-6806) or (Contact 306-655-7777)
- Breastfeeding Support – with lactation consultants available (Contact 305-655-4806)
Usask Parents on Campus offers a designated area for mothers to breastfeed and express milk for their child. Connect with other parents. Find the Comfort Room in Thorvaldson 127.
What you need to know before bringing your baby home from the hospital.
Routine checkups with a health professional are needed to monitor the growth and development of your baby, and these checkups should continue on throughout teenage years. Finding problems early allows for an earlier treatment for better outcomes.
Feeding Your Baby
- Breastfeeding is the best way to feed your baby! Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months is recommended to provide your baby with the right nutrients and proper nutrition for growth and development. Breastfeeding takes time and practice, and creates a bonding experience for you and your baby.
- 10 Great Reasons to Breastfeed Your Baby.
- 10 Valuable Tips for Successful Breastfeeding.
- Saskatoon Breastfeeding Matters Group provides support and tips to help you breastfeed for the first two years of your child’s life.
- Vitamin D: Health Canada recommends all breastfed infants receive a daily vitamin D supplement of 400 IU (10ug) from birth until 1 year of age or until the infant’s diet includes at least 400 IU of vitamin D from food sources. Learn more about your baby’s vitamin D needs.
Formula Feeding
- Infant Formula Feeding: If parents decide to use infant formula, ready to serve or liquid concentration are sterile, but powdered formulas are not. If you are using a powered infant formula, it is important to sterilize the feeding equipment and to follow mixing instructions on the package to kill germs that can make your baby sick.
Introducing Solid Foods
- Health Canada recommends waiting until 6 months before introducing foods other than breast milk or infant formula. By 6 months, babies need additional nutrients and are ready for new textures.
- Baby’s first foods should be rich in iron.
- Infant Nutrition: Tips and Menu Plans for your baby.
Breastfeeding is nutritious for your baby and you may continue breastfeeding for as long as you can. When you are ready to stop breastfeeding, learn how to wean your child from breastfeeding.
Some babies may be at increased risks of food allergies, especially if there is a family history of food allergies. Learn more about the symptoms of food allergies and ways to reduce these incidences.
Infant Care and Development includes information and advice to help you care for your baby and help your baby develop.
Are you wondering if your child is growing well? Babies come in different sizes and by tracking the development of your baby’s growth overtime, it can help identify any health or nutrition concerns.
Immunizations can protects your baby’s health. Learn more about vaccinations for your baby and the diseases it protects against.
Spitting up is normal for babies, but if your baby is spitting up frequently after feedings there may be a problem.
Babies start teething during their first year of development. Learn how to care for your child’s teeth.
Newborn’s skin is delicate and can develop skin conditions including diaper rashes, cradle cap, and eczema. Learn more about proper skin care for your baby.
- Tips to keep your baby’s skin healthy.
The cause of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) is unknown but you can create a safe sleeping environment for your baby. Learn how to reduce the risks of SIDS and help your baby sleep safely.
Crying is normal for babies, as a way to communicate with you. Learn more about how to care for a crying or colicky baby.
Using car seats correctly protects your child and ensures your child’s safety. In Saskatchewan, children under the age of 7 are required to use a car seat or booster seat.
Healthy Children: Ages 1 to 5 Years Old
As your child grows, she may be ready for cow’s milk. Infants are not recommended to drink cow’s milk until 9 to 12 months old. Learn when and how to introduce cow’s milk to your child.
Follow Canada’s Guide to Healthy Eating for recommendations and food choices to help your child meet her nutrient and energy needs.
Food for your toddler from 0 to 24 months.
Your child may be a picky eater and not very willing to try new foods. Consider these tips to help your child accept more types of foods to ensure she is obtaining enough nutrients for growth.
Snacking is important for young children in order to get enough nutrients and energy. Use healthy snacks as part of your child’s daily meals.
Iron is important for the growth and development of your child. Offer foods rich in iron, and learn how to prevent iron deficiency anemia.
Children grow and develop very rapidly, and not all children develop at the same time. Learn more about what to expect from your child’s development.
Bed wetting is common for young children. Support your child and learn about how you can prevent these occurrences.
Potty training occurs at different times for children. Learn how to help your child toilet train when she is ready.
Healthy bowel habits are important for your child’s health. Learn more about developing healthy bowel habits and how to deal with constipation and diarrhea.
Diarrhea is a common concern in young children. Learn more about how to prevent and treat diarrhea, as well as the importance of preventing dehydration for your child.
Washing your child’s toys is a good way to prevent germs from making your child sick. Learn how to clean your child’s toys properly.