Men's Health & Mental Health
In today’s health crazed culture, it seems perfectly normal to hear routinely of cancer, obesity, and STIs. Perhaps what you are not used to hearing about is how they affect males in particular.
By Student Wellness CentreSelf Examinations
In today’s health crazed culture, it seems perfectly normal to hear routinely of cancer, obesity, and STIs. Perhaps what you are not used to hearing about is how they affect males in particular.
Doesn’t it seem worth it? All you have to do is rub your testicles between your fingers or get someone else to do it for you if you want!
To Make Yourself Check More Comprehensive
- Attempt to locate the epididymis: it is the tube which is connected to the testes and stores sperm. It should be located along the back and top of each testicle and should have a soft, rope-like texture. Any abnormalities, such as pain, swelling, or lumps, should be reported to a health care provider.
- Check the skin in your pubic area, including on the penis. Sores and little rough bumps could be signs of a STI. If uncircumcised, check under the foreskin when performing routine personal hygiene.
- Check your groin area on both sides. Any lumps could be a sign of infection and need to be followed up with a health care provider.
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Get tested. Testing can be as simple as peeing in a cup! Get tested when:
- You’ve had unprotected sex
- A condom breaks
- When you’re visiting a health professional about something else
- You have a new sex partner, or you’ve had more than one
- You and your partner inject street drugs
Facts about STIs
- Most men and women do not develop symptoms with STIs.
- Some STIs are easily treatable with antibiotics, while others can’t be cured but can be managed with treatment.
- STIs, like Chlamydia, can spread quickly and easily since an infected person can unknowingly pass the infection onto their partner.
- The most effective way to avoid contracting an STI. So use a condom or practice monogamy or abstinence.
Possible Signs of an STI
- There are often no symptoms or signs of an STI,
- Repetitive urination,
- Burning sensation during urination,
- Drip/discharge from the penis, and
- Sores, bumps, or blisters near or on the penis, genitalia, rectum, groin, or mouth.
Student Wellness Centre will test you at any time. You do not need an appointment to be tested.
What to Check and When
Guys Aged 20-39:
- Blood pressure: Yearly
- Blood test & urinalysis: 3-5 years
- Dental health: Yearly
- Eye Health: 5 years
- Flu and COVID-19 vaccine: Yearly
- Mental health: As appropriate
- Periodic health exam: 3-5 years
- Sexual health: As appropriate
- STIs: As appropriate
- Skin self-exam: Yearly
- Testicle self-exam: Yearly
- HPV vaccine: Ask health provider
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine booster: Once – Ask health provider
- Tetanus & Diphtheria vaccine booster: 10 years
- Whooping Cough vaccine booster: Once – Ask health provider
The Silent Crisis - Men's Mental Health
The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. Mental illness occurs when the brain, just like any other organ, is not working the way it should. The three most common mental health conditions among men.
- Characterized by a persistent low mood that interferes with everyday functioning.
- Worldwide, it is considered one of the most common mental health conditions.
- Almost 10 percent of Canadians experience a mood disorder at some point in their lives.
- Mood disorders such as depression, are caused by problems with neurotransmitters - chemicals in the brian that affect your emotions.
Anxiety Disorder
- Characterized by intense and uncontrollable feelings of fear and worry.
- Most common type, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is often seen with depression.
- Other types of anxiety disorders are social anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
- Social anxiety disorder causes intense anxiety and fear in social situations, while OCD causes the continuous repetition of specific thoughts (obsessions) or a compulsive need to perform specific routines repeatedly (compulsions).
Substance Abuse
- Alcohol and drugs are often used to ease the symptoms of an undiagnosed mental disorder.
- Roughly 50 percent of individuals with severe mental disorders are affected by substance abuse.
- Across most age groups, men have higher rates of use or dependence on drugs and alcohol than women.
- Alcohol is the most commonly used substance among Canadians (3 in 4 people).
Warning Signs
Men and women can develop similar mental health disorders but may experience different symptoms. Symptom sometimes seen in men include:
- Suicidal thoughts
- Alcohol and/or drug misuse
- Sadness or hopelessness, anger, irritability, or aggressiveness
- Noticeable changes in mood, energy level, or appetite
- Changes in sleep schedule
- Difficulty concentrating, feeling restless, or on edge
- Increased worry or feeling stressed
- Feeling flat or trouble feeling positive emotions
- Engaging in high-risk activities
- Aches, headaches, digestive problems without cause
- Obsessive thinking or compulsive behaviors
- Thoughts or behaviors that interfere with work, family, or social life
- Unusual thinking or behaviors that concern other people
Recovery is the personal process which people with mental illness go through in gaining control, meaning and purpose in their lives. The sooner you do it, the better.
Take charge of your health, men.
If you or someone you know is in a crisis, get help immediately.
Support Organizations
- For immediate assistance call 911
- Crisis Services Canada - (833) 456-4566
- Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service (24 hours) - (306) 933-6200