After finding your place
Learn what to do before signing the lease, before moving in and be aware of your rights and responsibilities as a tenant.
By International Student and Study Abroad CentreYour rights and responsibilities
Learn about your rights and responsibilties when it comes to issues such as rent increases, requesting repairs, dealing with pests, ending your tenancy, resolving disputes, and landlords rights.
Before you sign your lease
Inspect the property
Conduct a thorough walkthrough of the home before signing a lease. If you are unable to attend in person, send someone on your behalf.
Do the following items work properly?
- Smoke detector
- Lights and switches
- Appliances (stove, fridge, washing machine, etc)
- Toilets and sinks. Do they leak or drip?
- Door and Windows. Do they close and lock properly?
Other items to check:
- Walls and ceilings: Are there cracks?
- Is the home clean?
- Are there any visible signs of damage, or lack of upkeep?
- Outside: is the yard clean and safe? Is there a garbage container with a cover?
Know important details
What costs are involved?
- Who pays utilities?
- How much are utilities?
- What appliances are included?
- Who is responsible for fixing the appliances?
- How much for the security deposit? (Typically a full month’s rent)
Rules and Regulations
- Preferred method of payment for rent, and on which day of the month.
- Are pets allowed?
- Is smoking permitted?
- Are there rules about guests?
- Property maintenance: Who mows the lawn, shovels snow, etc?
- What changes are you allowed to make without permission? (hang pictures, install blinds, paint, etc?) Will these improvements go against your damage deposit?
Make sure everything is documented!
- Get your rental agreement in writing and keep it in a safe place.
- Have proof of any payments made – especially the damage deposit.
- If there are signs of damage around the home, consider taking photographs when you move in so that you are not charged for these later.
- If the landlord promises to repair certain items before you move in, ensure this is included in the agreement.
You don’t need to buy brand-new furniture upon moving in. There are plenty of used-furniture vendors around Saskatoon. Note: Double-check the quality of all used furniture to ensure you don’t bring bed bugs or other pests into your home.
- Village Green Furniture and Appliances
- Salvation Army thrift stores
- Value Village
- Kijiji (Also a good place to find people to help you move!)
- Bulletin boards across campus
Get Tenant Insurance
Tenant insurance is a great way to protect your belongs in the event of theft, fire, flooding and other incidents.