Understanding Neurodiversity

Understanding Neurodiversity

By Student Wellness Centre

What is Neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity is the concept that people experience and interact with the world around them in many ways. It is based on the concept that neurological variances should be recognized and respected like any other human variation, such as gender, race, or sexual orientation.

The wide range of natural neurological variations of the brain affect how people think, learn and process information.

Useful Terms

  • Neurodivergent – Someone whose brain performs differently than what society considers the norm.
  • Neurotypical – Someone whose brain functions in the way expected by society.
  • Neurodiverse – A group with both neurodivergent and neurotypical people.

Neurodiversity and Student Success

Neurodiversity in students refers to the range of neurological differences and variations in cognitive functioning within a student population. The term Neurodivergent encompasses conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other neurological diversities.

Understanding neurodiversity in students involves acknowledging that every student has unique strengths, challenges, and ways of processing

Neurodiversity Prevalence

  • Approximately 4.7% of the population has ADHD.
  • Approximately 1-2 % of the population is on Autism Spectrum.
  • 10-20% of the population has language-based learning difficulties, and dyslexia is the most common cause of reading, writing, and spelling difficulties.

Become a Neurodiversity Peer Supporter

  • Encourage using inclusive and nonjudgmental language and avoid discriminatory words.

*Keep in Mind*

  • Neurodivergent, NOT “abnormal”
  • Neurotypical, NOT “normal”
  • Neurotype, NOT “disorder”
  • Autistic, NOT “person with autism”
  • Promote an open and inclusive environment. Inquire about your peer's preferences regarding communication, sensory stimuli, or social interactions. Understanding their comfort zones helps in creating a supportive environment.
  • Participate in advocacy efforts by promoting policies and initiatives that respect neurodiversity and promote equal opportunities.
  • Join Peer-to-Peer support groups like the ADHD Support Group and Healthy Minds.
  • Be kind, understanding, and encouraging. Don’t tease or make fun of anyone who is finding something difficult.
  • Encourage open and honest communication. Let your peer know that you are there to listen and understand. Be patient and create a safe space for them to share their experiences.


Baumer, N., & Frueh, J. (2021). What Is Neurodiversity? Harvard Health Publishing; Harvard Health Publishing. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/what-is-neurodiversity-202111232645

Clouder, L., Karakus, M., Cinotti, A., Ferreyra, M. V., Fierros, G. A., & Rojo, P. (2020). Neurodiversity in higher education: A narrative synthesis. Higher Education, 80(4). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-020-00513-6             

Dwyer, P., Mineo, E., Mifsud, K., Lindholm, C., Gurba, A., & Waisman, T. C. (2022). Building Neurodiversity-Inclusive Postsecondary Campuses: Recommendations for Leaders in Higher Education. Autism in Adulthood, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.1089/aut.2021.0042               

Neurodiversity in the classroom; strength-based strategies to help students with special needs succeed in school and life. (2013). Reference & Research Book News, 28(1). Ringgold, Inc.