Top Cover Letter Tips

Job Posting

  • Carefully review each job posting, highlighting key words related to skills, knowledge and experience
  • Remember: Always save or print a copy of each job posting you apply to, as you will need to review this before an interview


  • Create a tailored cover letter for each job you apply to
  • Your cover letter should emphasize your competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities), talents and accomplishments that make you the ideal candidate for that particular position
  • Use variety in your sentence structure and use transition/linking words (found on the back page), to connect one idea to the next
  • Review your cover letter for spelling and grammatical errors and consider having someone at Career Services review your job search documents; book in for a ResumeTalk through CareerLink in the “Appointments” module

Organization / Layout

  • Keep your cover letter to one page and single spaced 
  • Your letter should include one introductory paragraph, one to two main body paragraphs and one closing paragraph 
  • Ensure that your contact information (including your name, address, telephone number and email address) is listed at the top of the page; other considerations include your LinkedIn profile and/or your personal website 
  • We recommend that you use a reference line (RE:) to clearly indicate the purpose of the letter; this line can include the job title, location preferences and competition number or position inquiry 
  • It is very important to address your cover letter to a specific person or company rather than sending out a generic letter

Formatting / Design

  • If you are having trouble keeping your cover letter to one page, consider using narrower margins or choosing smaller line spacing
  • Use a common font style (Calibri, Times New Roman, 11 or 12 point size), throughout your document ensuring the font style chosen matches your resume or CV
  • Be sure to include your electronic signature as this allows you to author your cover letter

Social Media and Your Job Search

  • Review all of your social media accounts and privacy settings
  • Consider creating a LinkedIn profile which allows you to essentially upload your resume content and connect with professionals locally and around the world
  • For tips on how to build a professional student LinkedIn profile check out Leverage LinkedIn


Know Yourself and Your Audience

  • Can you comfortably articulate your values, knowledge, skills, abilities, experience and interests as they relate to job search documents?
  • Did you perform an adequate amount of research on the prospective employer?

Production and Format

  • Is your cover letter limited to one page?
  • Did you use a reference line (RE:) to indicate which position you are applying for rather than stating the position in the first paragraph?
  • Did you grab the reader’s attention by explaining why their organization appeals to you in the first paragraph?
  • If a particular person suggested you apply for the position, did you mention his or her name in the first paragraph?
  • In the second paragraph, did you communicate your strengths and competencies as they relate to the job posting?

Proofread and Critique Your Letter

  • Have you reviewed your document for spelling and grammar errors?
  • Were you concise and to the point in your cover letter?
  • Did you include your electronic signature?

Sending Your Letter

  • Did you create an original letter for each employer rather than sending a template cover letter?
  • When sending your letter electronically, did you attach your cover letter and resume as one PDF document, include a clear subject line and write a brief introductory message in the email body that references your attached document?
  • Have you been keeping track of what positions and organizations you have applied to so that you can follow up with the employers you have sent correspondence to?

Additional Letters

  • Within two days of an interview or meeting, did you send out thank you correspondence to the interviewer(s)?
  • Have you written a letter of declination if you do not wish to accept a position that you’ve been offered?

Cover Letter

Every resume should be accompanied by a cover letter. The primary purpose of the cover letter is to acquaint a prospective employer with your unique talents and skills as they relate to the job posting. Cover letters should be tailored to each job you are applying for and should include clear examples of how you’ve developed the skills required. Keep in mind your cover letter and resume are complementary documents and together should show the prospective employer why you would be a good fit for their organization.

Networking Letter

A networking letter is used when you are interested in applying to an organization that does not have an advertised position. Be sure to do your research on the organization that you are applying to so that you understand what they are about, what potential opportunities might exist and how you might be a good fit for their team. Your letter should include clear examples of how you’ve developed the skills and qualifications that would be of benefit to the