Use the form below to search among over 1000 scholarships and bursaries. There are two major deadlines to keep in mind:


October 1st is the deadline to apply for most bursaries offered by the university. Bursaries are usually given to students in financial need, though some bursaries may have additional criteria. Recipients will be notified by early February.

Struggling to pay for university? Consider applying for bursaries.


June 1st is the deadline for a large number of scholarships on campus. Scholarships are normally granted for academic achievement or leadership experiences. Recipients will be notified by the first day of classes.

Did you do well in your classes? Consider applying for scholarships.

In addition to the major awards above, departments, colleges, and donors from outside the university offer awards throughout the year. Use the form below to find specific awards.

Search for awards

iMii Mining Futures Award

Number offered1
EligibilityOpen to full time undergraduate students in the College of Engineering enrolled in the mining option. To be eligible, applicants must submit a one-page paper outlining the skills they have developed in order to prepare them for success in the workplace today and into the future. Examples to consider might include digital literacy, collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.
Selection CriteriaAcademic merit and the merits of the submitted statement, as determined by the Award Committee.

Preference in awarding will be given to female students and Indigenous students.
DonorInternational Minerals Innovation Institute (iMii)
Apply Engineering Awards Application
DeadlineOctober 1

More awards

There are awards available specifically for new or graduate students: 

You could also be eligible to apply for a variety of external awards, which are offered by agencies, governments or other organizations outside the University of Saskatchewan.