Please contact your instructor for information regarding the final assessment for your online class.

Exams for students taking distance classes

The time and location of your exams are listed in the final examination schedule located in your PAWS account. Do not apply for a Regular or Special Examination Centre if you are:

  • writing your final exam in Saskatoon as scheduled.
  • taking an off-campus face-to-face or online synchronous hybrid class because you will write your exam at your off-campus site.

You will need to apply for a Regular or Special Examination Centre if you are:

  • taking an online class and need to write your final exam outside of Saskatoon.
  • live outside 110 km driving distance from Saskatoon or a Regular Centre.
  • are registered with Access and Equity Services
  • cannot write an examination on the scheduled day for religious reasons.

Specific deadlines to apply for a Special or Regular Examination Centre are noted on the forms listed below. 

If you require consideration for room access or service due to physical disability or impairment such as mobility, visual, hearing, or other, please notify Registrarial Services immediately.

Regular centres

Regular examination centres are set up throughout the province of Saskatchewan. If you live within a 110 km driving distance from an off-campus site, you will write your final exam at that site and you must submit an application for final examination form. Fees are not charged for writing exams at a Regular Centres. You will receive details on your examination arrangements approximately two to three weeks prior to the examination date.

Regular Exam Centres (Fall and Winter terms only): Kindersley, La Ronge, Melfort, North Battleford, Prince Albert, Regina, Swift Current, Weyburn, Yorkton

Regular Exam Centres (Spring and Summer):  Prince Albert, Regina

Regular Centres are not available for the BMSC 207 or 208 final exams. If you reside over 110 km away from Saskatoon, you can apply for a special examination arrangement using Proctorio. See your syllabus for more information, or email

Special centres

You are responsible for making your own arrangements to write your examination(s) under the supervision of an invigilator approved by Registrarial Services. 

  • The invigilator must be an established member of your community, a representative from a university, college, or school in either an administrative or academic capacity, or otherwise employed in a professional or managerial occupation (e.g., clergy, law enforcement officer, librarian). Other University of Saskatchewan students, relatives, friends, neighbours, co-workers, acquaintances or persons residing at the same address cannot invigilate exams. Registrarial Services reserves the right to reject prospective invigilators.
  • You will need to obtain the following information prior to submitting an application for a special centre and it is recommended that you obtain this information in advance of starting your application form:  
    • your prospective invigilator’s first and last name
    • their position/title
    • place of employment
    • home/cell telephone number
    • business telephone number
    • email address
    • business address (examinations will be mailed to a business address only)
  • The exam(s) will be mailed to your invigilator’s business address approximately 5-7 days prior to the exam date. Complete instructions and information will be provided to the invigilator in the examination package.
  • Contact your invigilator several days in advance of the examination date to ensure receipt of the exam package. You must write your exam(s) on the scheduled date and time.
  • You are responsible for any financial reimbursement that may be required for off-campus Special Centre invigilation.

Late applications may be submitted up to seven business days prior to the examination date (within Canada) or up to 10 business days (International). Each late application will be charged a $25.00 administrative fee. We are not able to accomodate late applications after the 7-10 day final processing deadlines.

Final exam forms

Final exams are scheduled to be written in Saskatoon at the University of Saskatchewan. The final exam room location will be posted on your online course page and you will receive a notice in your PAWS email in advance of the exam date.

If you live more than 110 KM from Saskatoon, are registered with Access and Equity Services, or cannot write an examination on the scheduled day for religious reasons, you can apply for a Special or Regular Examination Centre.

The deadline for submitting an application form for the Winter exams (April 2025) is March 21, 2025.  

The deadline to apply for a Proctorio invigilated exam for BMSC 208 is April 15, 2025

If you miss the application deadline, have a scheduling conflict with another class, or if you need to make a change to your application after you have submitted a form, please contact Registrarial Services at

The deadline for submitting an application form for the Spring exams (June 2025) is TBA.

The deadline to apply for a Proctorio invigilated exam for BMSC 207 is TBA.

If you miss the application deadline, have a scheduling conflict with another exam, or if you need to make a change to your application after you have submitted a form, please contact Registrarial Services at

The deadline for submitting an application form for the Summer exams (August 2025) is TBA.

The deadline to apply for a Proctorio invigilated exam for BMSC 208 is TBA.

If you miss the application deadline, have a scheduling conflict with another exam, or if you need to make a change to your application after you have submitted a form, please contact Registrial Services at

The deadline for submitting an application form for the Fall exams (December 2025) is TBA.

The deadline to apply for a Proctorio invigilated exam for BMSC 207 is TBA.

If you miss the application deadline, have a scheduling conflict with another exam or if you need to make a change to your application after you have submitted a form, please contact Registrarial Services at

Mid-term exam forms

Mid-term exams are scheduled to be written at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon. The mid-term exam room location will be posted in your online course page and you will receive a notice in your PAWS email in advance of the exam date.

If you live more than 110 KM from Saskatoon, are registered with Access and Equity Services, or cannot write an examination on the scheduled day for religious reasons, you can apply for a Special Examination Centre.

The deadline for submitting a Proctorio invigilated exam for the BMSC 208 mid-term is Tuesday January 28, 2025.  If you miss the application deadline, please contact Registrarial Services.

BMSC 208 (W Sections) Mid-term exam date:  Monday, February 3, 2025, 7:00 - 7:50 pm (CST).

Contact Registrarial Services at if you have a scheduling conflict with another class or if you need to make a change to your information after you have submitted a form.

The deadline for submitting a special centre application for the COMM 211 mid-term is Tuesday January 21, 2025.  If you miss the application deadline, please contact Registrarial Services.

COMM 211 (W Sections) Mid-term exam date:  Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 7:00 - 8:15pm (CST).

Contact Registrarial Services at if you have a scheduling conflict with another class or if you need to make a change to your information after you have submitted a form.

The deadline for submitting a special center application for the NUTR 120 mid-term is Friday January 24, 2025.  If you miss the application deadline, please contact Registrarial Services.

NUTR 120 (W Sections) Mid-term exam date:  Saturday, February 8, 2025, 1:00 - 2:00pm (CST).

Contact Registrarial Services at if you have a scheduling conflict with another class or if you need to make a change to your information after you have submitted a form.

The deadline for submitting a special center application for the COMM 304 mid-term is Tuesday January 28, 2025.  If you miss the application deadline, please contact Registrarial Services.

COMM 304 (W Sections) Mid-term exam date:  Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 7:00 - 8:15pm (CST).

Contact Registrarial Services at if you have a scheduling conflict with another class or if you need to make a change to your information after you have submitted a form.

The deadline for submitting a special center application for the BMSC 200 mid-term is Wednesday January 29, 2025.  If you miss the application deadline, please contact Registrarial Services.

BMSC 200 (W Sections) Mid-term exam date:  Thursday, February 13, 2025, 5:30pm - 7:00pm (CST).

Contact Registrarial Services at if you have a scheduling conflict with another class or if you need to make a change to your information after you have submitted a form.

The deadline for submitting a special center application for the BMSC 230 mid-term is Friday February 14, 2025.  If you miss the application deadline, please contact Registrarial Services.

BMSC 230 (W Sections) Mid-term exam date:  Saturday, March 1, 2025, 10:30 - 11:30am (CST).

Contact Registrarial Services at if you have a scheduling conflict with another class or if you need to make a change to your information after you have submitted a form.

The deadline for submitting a Proctorio invigilated exam for the BMSC 208 mid-term is Tuesday March 4, 2025.  If you miss the application deadline, please contact Registrarial Services.

BMSC 208 (W Sections) Mid-term exam date:  Monday, March 10, 2025, 7:00 - 7:50pm (CST).

Contact Registrarial Services at if you have a scheduling conflict with another class or if you need to make a change to your information after you have submitted a form.

The deadline for submitting a special center application for the COMM 201 mid-term is Wednesday February 26, 2025.  If you miss the application deadline, please contact Registrarial Services.

COMM 201 (W Sections) Mid-term exam date:  Thursday, March 13, 2025, 7:00 - 8:20pm (CST).

Contact Registrarial Services at if you have a scheduling conflict with another class or if you need to make a change to your information after you have submitted a form.

The deadline for submitting a special center application for the NUTR 120 mid-term is Friday February 28, 2025.  If you miss the application deadline, please contact Registrarial Services.

NUTR 120 (W Sections) Mid-term exam date:  Saturday, March 15, 2025, 1:00 - 2:00pm (CST).

Contact Registrarial Services at if you have a scheduling conflict with another class or if you need to make a change to your information after you have submitted a form.

The deadline for submitting a special center application for the COMM 211 mid-term is Tuesday March 4, 2025.  If you miss the application deadline, please contact Registrarial Services.

COMM 211 (W Sections) Mid-term exam date:  Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 7:00 - 8:15pm (CST).

Contact Registrarial Services at if you have a scheduling conflict with another class or if you need to make a change to your information after you have submitted a form.

The deadline for submitting a special center application for the COMM 304 mid-term is Thursday March 6, 2025.  If you miss the application deadline, please contact Registrarial Services.

COMM 304 (W Sections) Mid-term exam date:  Friday, March 21, 2025, 7:00 - 8:15pm (CST).

Contact Registrarial Services at if you have a scheduling conflict with another class or if you need to make a change to your information after you have submitted a form.

Deferred and supplemental exams

Each college may have specific regulations and policies that govern deferred and supplemental exams.

Deferred and supplemental exams

Each college may have specific regulations and policies that govern deferred and supplemental exams.

Contact us


Contact Registrarial Services if you have any questions regarding examination arrangements.