Graduate awards

Find scholarships and awards relevant to graduate students using USask's scholarships and awards database. You will find information on eligibility, deadlines and how to apply. Search for keywords like master's, doctoral, PhD, plant breeding, etc.

Harold E. Johns Scholarship in Physics

Value: Value to be determined.
Number offered: One
Eligibility: Open to students entering or continuing graduate studies and research in Physics or Engineering Physics at the University of Saskatchewan. Other qualifications being equal, preference will be given to an individual whose research is related to space and atmopheric studies.
Apply: For more information on eligibility requirements, application procedures, and deadlines, contact the Department of Physics & Engineering Physics at the number given below.

Department of Physics & Engineering Physics
University of Saskatchewan
116 Science Place, Rm 163
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2
Phone: (306) 966-6393
Fax: (306) 966-6400
Email: Email:

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The above search form only contains awards available to graduate students at the University of Saskatchewan. See below if you are looking for undergraduate awards or those offered by external agencies.