Graduate awards

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Herbert Percy Toop Memorial Prize in Scientific Writing

Value: To be determined by the College of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies
Eligibility: Open to full-time graduate students who are Canadian citizens, born and educated in Canada working in the following areas: agriculture, engineering, biology, geology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics, and any other physical sciences.

Focus is on writing style, grammar, and the presentation of concepts in clear and concise language. Also considered is the introduction, summary, conclusions and the overall structure and organization of the whole.
Apply: Departments wishing to nominate a student must submit the following nomination package in PDF format online:
  • A letter from the chair of the student’s department describing the reasons for the nomination and include why the dissertation constitutes excellence in the use of the English language in scientific writing. Assurance must be given that the thesis was written by the student independently, that it is free of grammar and other errors, that the references were cited properly and arranged properly, that tables and figures were well designed and did not need major revision, that references were carefully selected, and that there is clarity in expression and explanation;
  • One page from the nominee (no more than 500 words) describing their research in lay terms and the achievements or contributions of their research;
  • The abstract and the table of contents from the successfully defended thesis;
  • The nominee’s up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV).
Note: The External Examiner reports will be used by the Awards Committee to adjudicate this competition. Please ensure that the Pre-defense Report of the External Examiner (Form 403.1, PhD degree) and the Oral Defense Report of the External Examiner (Form 403.2, Master’s & PhD degrees) for the student you wish to nominate are included in the nomination package.

If submitting the nomination package via e-mail, make sure that all documents are in PDF format. Paper copies will not be accepted.

Graduate Awards & Scholarships
Room 116 Thorvaldson Building
110 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK S7K 5C9
Deadline: The call for applications for this award is distributed annually in the Winter term.

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The above search form only contains awards available to graduate students at the University of Saskatchewan. See below if you are looking for undergraduate awards or those offered by external agencies.