Graduate awards

Find scholarships and awards relevant to graduate students using USask's scholarships and awards database. You will find information on eligibility, deadlines and how to apply. Search for keywords like master's, doctoral, PhD, plant breeding, etc.

Robson Bursary for Graduate Students

Value: Approximately $5000, subject to change annually depending on the quality and number of applications.
Number offered: 1 award annually
Eligibility: To recognize academic achievement (80% minimum cumulative GPA) and provide financial assistance to graduate students pursuing studies in an area related to land and resource management with an emphasis on sustainability and ecologically sound management practices.

Open to students entering and/or continuing studies in a graduate degree program in an area related to land and resource management, with an emphasis on sustainability and ecologically sound management practices. This will include, but not be limited to, students in Biology, Plant Science, Environmental Engineering, Environment & Sustainability, Geography & Planning, and Soil Science.

Students who currently hold $17,000 or more in financial assistance from any source (scholarship, employment, stipend, government support, family support, etc.) over the indicated twelve-month period are not eligible to receive this funding.
Donor: This award is made possible by the generosity of our donors.

Apply online. Include the following with your application

  • A letter from the student (1 to 2 pages in length) describing their program of study in laypersons's terms;
  • An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae;
  • A letter of support from the supervisor, which should include comments on the student's personal qualities, past achievements and future potential;
  • Your unofficial USask transcripts

If you have any questions, please contact Graduate Awards & Scholarships at

Deadline: The call for applications is distributed every fall.

Other awards websites

The above search form only contains awards available to graduate students at the University of Saskatchewan. See below if you are looking for undergraduate awards or those offered by external agencies.