Graduate awards

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John Spencer Middleton and Jack Spencer Gordon Middleton Graduate Bursaries

Value: Approximately $1,000, subject to change depending on number and quality of applications.
Number offered: Varies
Eligibility: Open to students in any graduate degree program at the University of Saskatchewan. Each year, the Fund Management Committee will determine whether to fund bursaries and/or scholarships, and the number and value of awards to be allocated. Selection will be based on academic achievement (minimum 75% GPA) and financial need.

Applicants must be currently registered in their graduate program in order to apply for this award.
Donor: The donor, the late Mr. John Spencer Gordon Middleton was well-known during his thirty-five year career as an Engineer for the Saskatchewan Department of Public Works. This scholarship was established to give one or more university scholarships or bursaries in aid of graduate students attending the University of Saskatchewan or the University of Regina.

Application package:

Apply online. Attach the following to the application before submitting it:

If you have any questions, please contact us at


Deadline: The call for applications is distributed every fall.

Other awards websites

The above search form only contains awards available to graduate students at the University of Saskatchewan. See below if you are looking for undergraduate awards or those offered by external agencies.