This student-organized group is for students with lived experiences of eating disorders, those who have experienced disordered eating, or those with close family members or loved ones struggling with eating disorders, who are interested in recovery.

The aim of the group is to provide a supportive, safe, and non-judgmental environment that provides students the space and opportunity to explore recovery. The group will follow an anti-diet philosophy, and be delivered in a semi-structured manner that will follow activities and concepts from anti-diet frameworks.

We will run the group in a weekly hybrid format to allow remote participants to join if they wish, while also providing a space where students can find community. While peer-led, our sessions will be supported by staff at Student Wellness Center who are committed to helping students with EDs through their recovery journey.

Zoom meeting: (for password, please email

Event Details

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CST
Weekly on Wed until Feb, 15 2023
Place Riel Student Centre Room 323 or Zoom