A healthy body not only contributes to the prevention or better management of physical illness, it also gives you the physical energy and endurance to fulfill life’s daily requirements and reach personal goals.
Remote and online campus resources can be found at Student Wellness Centre.
Get sufficient amounts of rest.
Inadequate amounts of sleep can affect your health, your academics, your performance, and your mental health.
Did you know... You cannot adapt to lack of sleep! You will not get used to functioning on less sleep than you require.
Drugs and Alcohol
Be better informed about substances
If you are using substance learn how to reduce your risk.
Get the facts
Sexual health
Choose a positive, respectful and safe approach to sexuality and sexual relationships.
Take time to educate yourself about healthy relationships, STI's and safe sex, what consent means and birth control options.
Get informed
There are many factors to be considered when choosing a method that is right for you including costs, effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages.
Did you know... Male and female condoms are the only forms of birth control that decrease the risk of contracting an STI in addition to preventing pregnancy. For dual protection, use them with other forms of birth control.
Sexually transmitted infections (STI's)
Find out if you are at risk and when and where you can get tested.
Eat right! A nutritious diet provides many benefits, including increased energy, maintenance of a healthy body weight, confidence, and prevention of chronic disease.
Learn to cook nutritiously
- Peer Health has Simply Cooking events throughout the year. Follow PeerHealth USask IG and Facebook to stay informed.
- There are many cooking apps to choose from. Find some popular ones.
Be active! Regular physical activity improves overall well-being and helps the body function at its best.
Meet the recommended guidelines
To achieve health benefits, you should accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week, in bouts of 10 minutes or more.
Fitness tips
Use the PAC
- Fitness Centre weights, cardio equipment
- fitness classes
- swimming pool
- racquetball/squash courts
- climbing wall
- indoor track
- and more
All included in your student fees!

Join a Campus Rec team
If you enjoy socializing and meeting new people while being physically active then Campus Rec has the perfect experience for you!
- Recreation teams - join one of the many intramural sports leagues as an individual or as team
- Recreation clubs - including, kayaking, karate and figure skating.
- Learn-to classes - take classes for a range of activities including belly dancing, squash, fencing and more.
The Loop of Life
Around the bowl indoors: Place Riel—through Residence—College Building—Physics—up the stairs (elevator way down the hall)—through Geology (past Tim Hortons and the dinosaurs)—Thorvaldson Building—Arts walkway—right after ramp, go down two flights of stairs (or go to elevator in Arts Tower)—past Tim Hortons—through Arts Tunnel—up stairs to upper Place Riel. (1.5 km, 12 minutes, 1400 steps)
For the Health of it
Start at Lower Place Riel - Health Science Tunnel - towards E Wing - to the end of the hallway by the library - back to Place Riel via tunnel (1 km, 10 minutes, 1200 steps)
The Agrothon
In Agriculture, walk around atrium; Take flight of stairs to next floor; Do 4 floors. (Each lap and set of stairs is 0.9 km; 4 minutes, 500 steps)
Get PACing
In the Physical Activity Complex (PAC) go up the elevator located near the entrance of the women’s change room and do five laps on the walking trap (you’ll need your student card). (1 km, 10 minutes, 1200 steps)
Ramp it up
From the Arts ramp down the hall, turn at Law and go until the hallway ends and back to arts ramp. (0.5 km, 4 min, 420 steps)
Map your own route
There are plenty of apps available for smartphones that are simple to use and will keep track of your routes, pace, elevation and calories burned.
Walk, run or bike some of the followig routes:
Just around the bowl (paved path). Takes only a few minutes but each lap gets your heart going a little bit more. (0.4 km, 4 minutes, 470 steps)
Place Riel to University apartments and back. (1 km, 10 minutes, 1200 steps)
It shall not Def-eat You
Start at Administration building. Go right through the bowl past Edwards School of Business, continue to Diefenbaker Centre. On the way back, take campus Drive and cut back to Admin at the Faculty Club. (1.8 km, 20 minutes, 2100 steps)
Around the Uni-verse
Walk along Campus Drive. (2.5 km, 30 minutes, 3000 steps)
A Hop Bridge and Trail Away
From Place Riel, to College Drive, to the river trail, to Diefenbaker Centre and back to Place Riel. (2.4 km, 25 minutes, 2900 steps)
The Soul Train
Place Riel to the train bridge and back to Place Riel. (3.5 km 45 minutes)
The Broad Way
Place Riel to the river. Then follow the river to Broadway. (5 km 60 minutes)
Bridging the Gap
Place Riel to the River trail to the Train Bridge. Cross it and take Meewasin trail back to the university bridge. Take the bridge up and make your way back to Place Riel. (5 km 60 minutes)
The Big Circle of Life
Same as “bridging the gap” but go along Meewasin trail all the way to Circle Drive Bridge and cross the river. (7 km 84 minutes)
Map your own route
There are plenty of apps available for smartphones that are simple to use and will keep track of your routes, pace, elevation and calories burned.
Everyday health concerns
Get proactive! Even seemingly small health concerns can take a toll on your overall health.
Learn how to best avoid, cope or get get rid of common health issues.
Getting help
Sometimes you may realize you need a little help staying healthy. Balancing the demands of university and staying well in the process is no small feat.
Student Wellness Centre
- Doctor and nurse appointments
- Mental health assessment, consulting and counselling
- Nutritional counselling
- Sexual health care including contraception counselling and STI prevention, testing and treatment
- Physiotherapy*
- Message therapy*
- Chiropractic care*
*Associated fees for physio, massage and chiropractic.
Student Affairs and Outreach
If you are in distress or in crisis or you are experiencing mental health concerns please contact us.
We can provide or connect you to the right support and services you need.