Access to menstrual products at USask

Every person who needs menstrual products should have access to those products. The USask Period Equity Project is about helping make that happen.

Headaches and Migraines

Nearly all headaches experienced by college students are Tension-type headaches (TTHs). TTHs may be caused by tightening muscles in the back of the neck and/or scalp. It is no surprise that these headaches are the most common type among college students as students are constantly sitting in strained positions (e.g., sitting in uncomfortable lecture chairs while hunching over a book to catch up on readings).

Preparing for the cold winter weather

Winter comes every year and leaves its mark on Saskatchewan with short days, cold, and snow. Most of us never really get used to winter but we can do things to stay safer and be more prepared for the coldest months of the year.

Make Your Own Student Medical Kit

Leaving home for the first time? It is difficult to think of everything you may need. Here are some helpful hints to prepare a university student medical kit so you are ready for just about anything and can have a healthy and productive year!

Colds, the Flu, and COVID-19

When you wake up coughing with a runny nose and a fever, it can be hard to know if you have a cold, the flu or COVID-19. Here are some tips to help you navigate your symptoms and recovery.

Men's Health & Mental Health

In today’s health crazed culture, it seems perfectly normal to hear routinely of cancer, obesity, and STIs. Perhaps what you are not used to hearing about is how they affect males in particular.

Women’s Health

A Pap test is one of the most effective cancer screening prevention strategies.

FoMO: Fear Of Missing Out

Almost 60% of Usask students admit to spending 3 or more hours of recreational screen time (non academic or work)(2023 Canadian Campus Wellbeing Survey).